Powerful ODX authoring system

DTS Venice enables the convenient creation, testing, management and maintenance of diagnostic specifications over the entire process chain for OEMs as well as system and ECU suppliers.

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Software dedicated to expert engineers in diagnostic and developer of vehicle ECUs

Powerful authoring system for ODX 2.2 and 2.0.1
Dedicated to all engineers diagnostic experts and developers of vehicle ECUs.

Area of application

  • Description and validation of diagnostic functions and ECU communication
  • Data interoperability test
  • Provision of test data for integration and system test
  • Data adaptation in production preparation and for use in repair shop testers


  • Efficient creation of the diagnostic specification thanks to assistant support in data entry
  • Greater data quality thanks to testing of both syntax and semantics
  • Data consistency over the entire process chain thanks to standard tool with central database (single source)
  • Considerable cost saving thanks to the possibility of importing existing data descriptions and early error detection
  • Shorter approval process as suppliers can test conformity with the OEM regulations themselves
DTS Venice

Simple creation of ODX databases

DTS Venice is part of the Diagnostic Tool Set product family and is based on the DTS Base System. Venice stands for Vehicle Communication Database Editor. New databases can be created both on the basis of existing ODX/PDX files and of supplied protocol templates. The delivery scope still includes sample authoring with three ECUs, detailed documentation and a tutorial.

Convenient processing of ODX Data

A start page enables fast and simple access to the functions required most frequently. The entire ODX data model can be edited in the editor's expert view. The ECU view provides a simplified view of the most important data of a single ECU as well as its variants. Diagnostic description inheritance is visualized graphically. Assistants are available to help with data input. Both working with ECU shared data and the simultaneous editing of several databases are supported. The diagnostic specifications created can be issued as RTF files for documentation purposes. In Demostration mode, ODX databases can be viewed without a license.

Top data quality from the outside

The ODX databases of modern vehicles are higly complex and become even more so during their lifetime due ti additional variants, maintenance measures and function extensions. DTS Venice ensures the consistency and completeness of the database at all times. Formal check ensure the basic compliance with the ODX standard and optionally with the ASAM ODX Recommended Style. Extensions by user-specific authoring guidelines are possible.

Prodotti dedicati agli ingegneri esperti in Automotive diagnostic

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DTS Venice - startpage

Data sheet DTS Venice 

Documentazione DTS Venice 

Chi è Data Job?

È il tuo riferimento in Italia, per assisterti nella fornitura e nell’uso di strumenti relativi alla tecnologia CAN bus, applicati al mondo dell’automotive e dell’automazione.

Data Job s.r.l. svolge la propria attività tecnica e commerciale relativa alla tecnologia CAN bus dal 2000, ed ha la rappresentanza per l’Italia dei prodotti e servizi di società leader mondiali in questo ambito. Il rapporto con le reti CAN, costituite da un bus di campo che collega misure, sensori ed attuatori, e computer con trasmissione seriale delle informazioni in sostituzione dei tradizionali cablaggi in macchine e impianti, costituiscono l'impegno prioritario di Data Job. La gamma dei prodotti commercializzati da Data Job si è ampliata con strumenti hardware per reti CAN e LIN e software in grado di interagire con tali reti, simularne ed analizzarne il funzionamento.

Data Job S.r.l. | CAN bus per Automotive

Piazzale G. Garibaldi, 13
30035 Mirano - Venezia

tel. +39 041 5700124

E-mail: info@datajob.com
Sito web: www.datajob.com

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